Law Translation, Verification and Proofreading
Our company employs the professional CPA, lawyer and MBA as our consultant. They are engaged to verify and proofread the translation version and guarantee the translation is professional and perfect.
Legal Documents
Contract & Statute
Government Archives
Law & Regulation·Administration Regulation
Bulletin & Statement
Household Registration Book
Legal NoticeIndustry Standard
company Regulation
Statement·School Reports
International Driver License·Correspondence
Notarization Documents
Commission Sheet
Invitation Letter
Global Bridge Translation support most commercial authoring and design applications on both PC and Macintosh platforms including but not limited to:
Microsoft Word
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe FrameMaker
Adobe GoLive
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe PageMaker
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Draw
Corel Ventura
Macromedia Freehand
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Macromedia Fireworks
Macromedia Flash
Quark Xpress